Who are we ? CIRTRANS is a consortium industry/research.Qui sommes nous ?
A real essential and necessary player in French industrial development.Qui sommes nous ?
Created in 2017, CIRTRANS consists of different partners driven by the same desire to collaborate and share knowledge in the field of mechanical power transmissions.
The partners
CIRTRANS is composed with 3 institutional members (laboratories) and 8 industrial companies. CIRTRANS is a community of French experts with modern approach and work based on partnership R&D:
To have a common reflection and a partnership R&D approach
To provide a common technical response on specific topics
11 industrial and institutional partners inspired by the same founding principles. It is the real basis of the CIRTRANS operation.
The sharing
CIRTRANS is a model of exchange and co-construction between the university sector and the industrial environment.The sharing of knowledge and its open-mindedness are the real basis of the partnership R&D operation.
French experts in power transmission are at the highest level in the world, CIRTRANS is committed to maintaining and developing this competitiveness and national industrial excellence cluster.
Due to CIRSTRANS operation principle and community which gathers together academics and industrialists experts. All driven by the same desire to collaborate.
The responsibility
CIRTRANS develops and assumes its role in building a sustainable future by committing to the energy management topics, the societal issues green mobility issues.
CIRTRANS project completions
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